Official Website of Carrigaline Town

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The Carrigaline Community Complex

By Carrigaline
The Carrigaline Community Association and sub-committees are run by volunteers who give their time and energy working hard at making Carrigaline a great place live. We wish to thank everyone for their continued work and support. Our sub-committees are Carrigaline Tidy Towns, Carrigaline Bowls Club, Carrigaline Baby & Toddlers, Carrigaline Twinning, Carrigaline Musical Society and Carrigaline Planning & Environment. 

We have numerous groups who use the Complex, First Steps Preschool, Carrigaline Baptist Church,  Carrigaline Basketball Club, Carrigaline Social Basketball, Yoga & fitness groups, Cork Sports Partnership, Spanish, Music and Meditation classes.

Monday – The Way We Play, Owenabue Brownies

Tuesday - Baby & Toddlers Group, Carrigdhoun Guides & Ladybirds, Carrigaline TKDO Club

Wednesday - Bowls Club

Thursday - POLO Parents & Toddlers

Friday - Buzzi Bouncebox, Rock Youth Club

Saturday - Carrigaline TKDO Club, Little Fine Artists, The Brickx Club South, 

We offer free meeting rooms to Carrigaline Resident Associations.

The following offices are in the Complex - Carrigaline Parishes Project and the Carrigaline HERON Project Foroige.

The Main Hall and Youth Club room are available for rental for Children’s birthday parties. 

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings

Tuesday 20.30 - 21.45

Wednesday 18.30 - 19.30

Friday 18.30 -21.45

Saturday 18.00 - 19.00

Sunday 13.30 - 14.45 and 20.30 - 21.45

Narcotics Anonymous meeting

Friday 18.00 - 19.30

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The official site of Carrigaline -the thriving town at the South Coast of County Cork, Ireland. Site established by Carrigaline Community Association.